  1. The Striker


The Striker (after the Dead Man Poems by Marvin Bell)

Words and Music by Nathan S Bell copyright 2009

The striker is dead but he doesn’t know it yet He’s always optimistic and he stays free of regret He started a war in Kosovo that was a pretty good year But nothing lasts forever so he learned to disappear

The striker has all the women even though he isn’t pretty He eats free at every restaurant he has the key to the city He killed a man in Barcelona he didn’t do it for the money He was laughing at the time but he knew it wasn’t funny

The Striker was red-carded for a single perfect gesture And he hung around the area until the hate began to fester The striker takes his chances in every uniform he wears He’s always somebody’s traitor but the striker doesn’t care

In every third world nation the striker gets elected His patronage is courted his reputation is protected Each time he leaves the country they pray he will return But he’s always somewhere else when things begin to burn

The striker holds his heart like a sparrow in his fist He lives for every goal and he dies with every miss They are building him a monument but the concrete hasn’t set The striker is already dead but he doesn’t know it yet